About Us

Our Members

Hover over the logo for a description of the organisation and its website and social media links!
Student Sustainability Commission (SSC)

The Student Sustainability Commission (SSC, formerly known as [project 21] respectively WeAct Students) is the sustainability commission of VSETH and the place to go for student organised action for more sustainability at ETH Zurich.

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Enviroswiss is an association of environmentally interested students. Every year it organises an event on varying topics of sustainability.

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UniPoly is the student association for sustainability at UNIL and EPFL.

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Student Impact

Student Impact is the student consultancy that advises socially or ecologically focused companies on various business related questions.

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oikos St.Gallen

oikos St.Gallen is a leading student organisation for sustainability in business and economics at the University of St.Gallen.

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Nachhaltigkeitskommission des VSUZH (NHK)

The NHK ist the sustainability commission of the student organisation VSUZH.

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Myosotis promotes an improvement of the social and environmental footprint of the university. It is open to university members of levels (students, mid-level faculty, professors and other employees).

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Nachhaltigkeitskommission (NaKt)

NaKt is the sustainability commission of the VSZHAW.

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Initiative für Psychologie im Umweltschutz Schweiz (IPU Schweiz)

IPU Switzerland is an interdisciplinary network of students and workers, practitioners and researchers – they are all connected through their shared interest in psychology in environmental protection and sustainability.

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Groupe d’Aménagement de l’Université (GRAMU)

GRAMU stands for Groupe d’aménagement de l’Université (University development group) and organises projects that aim to make people more aware of the importance of their relationship to the Earth and to each other.

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Etudiant-e-s pur le Développment Durable (EDD)

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The Environmental Committee (EC)

The Environmental Committee (EC) is the students’ environmental association that brings together students interested in environmental issues and having an impact on the Graduate Institute by working with students, faculty and the administration.

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Verein für Nachhaltige Entwicklung an der Universität Bern (BENE)

BENE is an association for Sustainable Development at the University of Bern

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Actions Étudiantes Durables (AED Neuchâtel)

AED Neuchâtel is an alternative student sustainability association and university development group

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AG Nachhaltigkeit

The ‘AG Nachhaltigkeit’ was founded by a group of students from the University of Basel with the aim to make the university more sustainable.

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Verein Nachhaltigkeit Luzern (VENALU)

Wir fördern den breit gefächerten Diskurs zu Themen bezüglich der Nachhaltigkeit zwischen den Studierenden, den Dozierenden, Forschenden und der Leitung am Campus Luzern. Thematisch ausgewählte Event, Diskussionen oder Workshops werden dabei in einer fachübergreifenden Art und Weise den Austausch sowie das Lernen fördern.

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oikos Lausanne

Fondée en 2012, oikos Lausanne est une association d’étudiant.e.s de l’Université de Lausanne dont le but est de promouvoir le management responsable, l’entrepreneuriat social et le développement durable de l’économie.

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rootlinks empowers students to become sustainability changemakers. Participants in the rootlinks programme engage in systems thinking and personal development while tackling real-world challenges in sustainability.

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StudentHUB Chur is the student association for sustainability of the FHGR.

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Our Memberships

The VSN is a member of the following organisations:

The Board

David Tschan


Léa Bernard

HEI Politics

Jethro Muanda


Ewen Wicki


Elif Nur Uygun

Social Media

Gabriela Simoni

Sustainability Week Switzerland

Anna Zikeli


Co-Project Manager

Marina Stone

Focus Sustainability

Alessia Pacino

Strategic Foresight

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